Ladies and Gentlemen
we are pleased to invite all interested on: XV International Scientific On-line Conference "New media - interactivity - creativity - education", which will be held on 30 May 2019 in Toruń. The event is organised by Department of Didactics And Media in Education in collaboration with Department of Disability Studies.
The conference will be attended by domestic and foreign academic staff, media researchers, students, software manufacturers and those for whom the theme of this year's conference is extremely important. Among the conference participants will be scientists from Boise State University (USA), University Toledo (USA), Georgia Gwinnett College (USA), University Macerata (Italy), UNINETTUNO University (Italy), Lexiplus Start Up (Italy), Nord University (Norway), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway), Tromso University (Norway), International University Travnik (Bosnia and Herzegovina), University of Craiova (Romania), Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean Harghita (Romania), University Brasov (Romania), University of Swansey (Great Britain), University of Ostrava (Czech Republic), Academy of Technologies (Latvia), F.M. Dostoyevsky State University (Russian Federation), Vilnius university (Lithuania).